The Town Cryer

Quest of the

Inn at the Edge of the Woods
The Virtuous Ones
The Path of the Chosen
Tales of Heroes



Since 13 Aug 2000 


Hail fellow Britannia traveler! The Grandwarriors of Virtue Guild would like to welcome you to our little corner of the information superhighway.

About the Grandwarriors of  Virtue
    Before I inform you about the type of guild  the Grandwarriors of  Virtue is, I will preceed to inform you of what the guild is not.
* We are not a guild that follows a religious docturine
* We are not a guild of Player Killers
If you are looking for that type of guild, you are definately in the wrong place. As the saying goes "Don't let the door hit you on the way out!"
What the Grandwarriors of  Virtue are is a guild that follows the 8 virtues proclaimed by our Lord British. They are as follows:
    * Honesty                                 * Compassion
    * Valor                                      * Justice
    * Sacrifice                                 * Honor
    * Spirituality                             * Humility
We feel by following these virtues, we can enhance our gameplay. Our guildmembers should feel confortable with the idea of helping others. Whether it is a gift of material items, the last minute heal that saves an adventurer from death, or the guarding of a fallen adventurers remains from looters. A little charity can go a long way.
What the guild will do for you
    The guild will try and help all guild members in anyway that it can. All of our members are considered family and will be treated as such. We can help with:
    * Training of skills, both warrior and merchant
    * Tactics of PvP
    * Arranging merchants for sale of goods
    * Organizing hunting and dungeon parties
What the guild expects of its members
    The guild will ask little in return. There are NO member fees to pay like some other guilds. Members are asked to:
    * Volunteer some time for guild run events
    * Loyalty to the guild, guildmates, and guildmaster
    * Follow the 8 virtues of Lord British
    * Have a MATURE attitude. (Children are not welcome)


If the Grandwarriors of Virtue is the kind of guild your looking for, click on the button below:


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